2024 6th International Conference on Energy Systems and Electrical Power(ICESEP 2024)
ICESEP 2024 Conference Review
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2024 6th International Conference on Energy Systems and Electrical Power(ICESEP 2024) wrapped up successfully in Wuhan!

第六届能源系统与电气电力国际学术会议(ICESEP 2024)在武汉圆满落幕!

From June 21-23, 2024, the 6th International Conference on Energy Systems and Electrical Power (ICESEP 2024) was grandly convened in Wuhan, China. Hosted by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the conference received technical support from IEEE. It was co-organized by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the Engineering Research Center for Novel Electric Machines and Special Electromagnetic Equipment of the Ministry of Education, the Yangtze River Economic Belt Technological Innovation and Talent Training Cooperative for Key Technologies of New Generation Medium and High Voltage Electric Conversion, the Hubei Society for Electrical Engineering’s Special Committee on Electric Machines, the Institute of New Energy, Wuhan, and the Academic Exchange Information Center (AEIC).

2024年6月21-23日,第六届能源系统与电气电力国际学术会议(ICESEP 2024)在中国武汉盛大举行。本次会议由IEEE提供技术支持,华中科技大学主办,华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院、新型电机与特种电磁装备教育部工程中心、新一代中压和高压电转换关键技术长江经济带科技创新与人才培养合作体、湖北电机工程学会电机专委会、武汉新能源研究院、AEIC学术交流中心联合承办。

The conference, featuring a hybrid format combining online and offline sessions, pooled over 150 experts and scholars from global institutions. Attendees represented more than 100 renowned universities and research institutions, including Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ontario Tech University, Aalborg University, University of California, Irvine, Hunan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, North China Electric Power University, Tianjin University, Wuhan University, Shanghai University, South China University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xinjiang University, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Jinan University, as well as industry leaders including CRRC Yongji Electric Co., Ltd., and the 712th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. The primary objective of this conference was to delve into the latest research advancements and anticipate the future trajectories of development in the domains of energy systems and electrical power.



On the morning of June 22, at the opening ceremony, Prof. Kai Yang, a Changjiang Scholar from the Ministry of Education, Dean of Institute of New Energy, Wuhan Co., Ltd. (INEW), and a faculty member of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, served as the conference chair to deliver the opening speech and welcomed all experts and scholars in attendance.



The conference was privileged to host an esteemed panel of keynote speakers, including Prof. Kai Yang, Prof. Marc Rosen (an Academician of the Canadian Engineering Institute, affiliated with the University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Prof. Yun Wang (Fellow of ASME and RSC, affiliated with the University of California, Irvine), Prof. Peiqiang Li from Hunan University, Prof. Zhe Chen (an IEEE Fellow and Academician of the Danish Academy of Technological Sciences, affiliated with Aalborg University, Denmark), and Assoc. Prof. Yixiao Luo from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. These presentations showcased their research achievements and academic insights in their respective fields, garnering widespread attention and lively discussions among the participating experts and scholars, fostering a vibrant atmosphere of academic exchange.

会议很荣幸邀请到杨凯教授,加拿大工程院院士、安大略理工大学Marc Rosen教授,ASME Fellow、RSC Fellow、加州大学尔湾分校王云教授,湖南大学李培强教授,IEEE Fellow、丹麦技术科学院院士、奥尔堡大学陈哲教授以及华中科技大学罗伊逍副教授分别发表了精彩的主题报告,展现了他们在相关领域的研究成果和学术见解,报告引起了与会专家学者们的广泛关注和热烈讨论,现场的学术交流氛围浓厚。


Prof. Kai Yang, a Changjiang Scholar from the Ministry of Education and Dean of the Institute of New Energy, Wuhan Co., Ltd. (INEW), affiliated with the Huazhong University of Science and Technology



Prof. Marc A. Rosen from the Ontario Tech University, an Academician of the Engineering Institute of Canada

加拿大工程院院士、安大略理工大学Marc Rosen教授


Prof. Yun Wang, Fellow of ASME and RSC, affiliated with the University of California, Irvine

ASME Fellow、RSC Fellow、加州大学尔湾分校王云教授


Prof. Peiqiang Li, Hunan University



Assoc. Prof. Yixiao Luo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology



Prof. Zhe Chen, an IEEE Fellow and Academician of the Danish Academy of Technological Sciences, affiliated with Aalborg University, Denmark

IEEE Fellow、丹麦技术科学院院士、奥尔堡大学陈哲教授

The 6th International Conference on Energy Systems and Electrical Power (ICESEP 2024) featured a robust agenda encompassing keynote sessions, a workshop focused on high-efficiency, high-power-density electric direct drive traction transmission systems, the INEW Innovation Salon specializing in new energy sector enterprises, and numerous oral presentations. The conference themes delved into the latest advancements in energy and electrical fields, highlighting efficient energy sources, electric direct drive technology, and the enterprises shaping the new energy landscape. This comprehensive program aimed to foster academic exchange and collaboration among participants, promoting sustained development and innovation in the energy and electrical sectors. The organizing committee also recognized excellence by awarding the “Best Paper Award,” “Best Oral Presentation Award,” and “Best Poster Award.” 



With the successful culmination of all sessions, ICESEP 2024 concluded amidst enthusiastic applause, leaving us eagerly anticipating the next iteration of this academic extravaganza at ICESEP 2025.

至此,随着各项议程的圆满完成,第六届能源系统与电气电力国际学术会议(ICESEP 2024)在热烈的掌声中落下帷幕。让我们共同期待ICESEP 2025的到来,届时再聚首共襄学术盛举。

Poster Review  海报展示

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